As an adolescent, JJ enjoyed such authors as Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, and Arthur C. Clarke. When he was asked to draw something in class, it was usually a rocket ship. He fantasized about being a crew member on a ship headed for another planet in another solar system. It was not until the early part of the twenty first century when he started writing down what he felt. He started to write just for fun. He discovered that he loved to write, so he kept writing and writing and writing. After a few years and a pile of spiral notebooks, he decided to turn his work into the book that would become Blood Nexus. Writing the book was exciting but getting it published was a labor—and not a labor of love.
Mr. Porter’s other passion is acting. He has acted in 14 plays, one of which he wrote, produced and directed.
Besides writing and acting JJ enjoys working in his garden and talking to his plants. He also likes to ride his bicycle around Santa Cruz. Whenever possible, JJ likes to meet friends at the sidewalk coffee shop to discuss everything from politics to restaurant menus. When not deep in discussion, JJ is perfectly content sipping mint tea and watching the world go by.